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Quiz "Future Teacher"

Hoje, meninos e meninas conseguem realizar tal façanha em minutos, e até mesmo segundos!

O Jornada Rocket se baseia na ideia de que, com a técnica e o algoritmo corretos, o aprendizado pode ser acelerado a níveis jamais imaginados.

Why do you want to start teaching English?

And why now?

Now tell us a little about your motivations in the following questions.

I love English because...

Select all that apply

"I am willing to get out of my comfort zone in order to be more effective."

Did you know that, in average, it takes 3 hours for a person to solve the Rubik's Cube?

but only if this person has the algorithm.

"I am a creative person."

True or false

"I am comfortable speaking in public."

True or false

Coloque seu melhor e-mail.

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