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Quiz "Present teacher"

Let´s see if we can be a good match. This will only take a couple of minutes.

"I am comfortable speaking to a camera."

True or false

"I am a creative person."

True or false

Did you know that The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974, and it took a month for its inventor to solve it for the first time?

Nowadays, there are hundreds of people that can perform the same feat in a matter of minutes, and even seconds!

The Jornada Rocket method is based on the idea that, with the correct algorithm and technique, one can truly optimize the learning process.

Please tell us a bit more about yourself, motivations, etc.

"I am willing to get out of my comfort zone in order to be more effective."

I love English because...

Select all that apply

Why Did You Decide to Become a Teacher?

What is your preferred methodology?

Did you know that, today, in average, it takes 3 hours for a person to solve the Rubik's Cube?

but only if this person has the correct algorithm.

Coloque seu melhor e-mail.

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